Partnership with EuResist
The EuResist Network is happy to involve new partners of proved or potential scientific value for expanding both database and scientific programme.
Partnership with the EuResist Network is offered by the EuResist Network Management Board. Reasons for partnership include either expanding the EuResist Integrated Data Base (EIDB) with valuable data or contributing to data analysis in scope with the EuResist Network aims or both. Partner’s activities and data are protected by the data and authorship policies detailed hereby in the “Data protection” and “Authorship policy” sections.
Partners and non partners have access to the EIDB for research proposals. Download here the EN study application form.
Partners become members of the EuResist Network Scientific Board, which evaluates the scientific adequacy of research proposals that require access to the EIDB. Each proposal that requires the use of data stored in the EIDB, coming from either a member of the Scientific Board or third parties, must be approved by the Scientific Board. Download here the EN partnership-authorship regulation and the EuResist Partnership Agreement template.
Data protection
Data provided by a partner always remain the property of the partner.
Data are contributed by the partner solely for the development of the treatment response models that are the focus of the EuResist Network. Any other use is subject to information to and explicit approval by the partner.
The partner reserves the right to have its data permanently removed from the EIDB at any moment without any need to justify this decision. Should this occur, the data are considered available only for pending papers and/or presentations already agreed upon, i.e. submitted for publication.
Should the EuResist Network GEIE end, each external dataset will be removed from the EIDB unless the partner explicitly requests that the data remain in the EIDB.
Authorship policy
Authorship of publications using EIDB data is regulated as follows:
All individuals making a major contribution to a publication are acknowledged by the inclusion of the individual's name as an author. Major contribution is defined in agreement with the rules of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
The name of the individual who conceived the study and drafted the manuscript/abstract is listed as first author, with subsequent names listed in order of decreasing contribution.
Alternatively, an individual who makes a major contribution to a publication may opt to be listed as last author to identify the research group or unit in which the work was done even though that individual's overall contribution is not less than those of individuals listed earlier on the by-line.
Partners designate their representatives to be included as authors.
The number of names listed on the by-line as representatives of the data providers is obtained as the maximum number of authors allowed by the journal/congress minus the number of authors who contributed substantially to study conception and design, data analysis and interpretation, manuscript preparation and approval.
The priority list of data provider partners' representatives to be included as authors reflects the proportion of cases in the study contributed by each data provider partner.
Data provider partners' representatives not included as authors because the maximum number of names has been reached maintain their credits and are considered for authorship of future papers.
The EuResist Network should be listed as author by adding "the EuResist Network Study Group" after the last author on the by-line.
All other contributors are listed in an acknowledgments section.