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The overall objective of CARE Common Action aganist HIV/TB/HCV Acoss the Region of Europe is to analyse and combat the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis (TB) and hepatitis C (HCV) epidemics across the European Region with a specific focus on the Russian Federation, through the establishment and expansion of previously created EU-Russian networks. The consortium consists of cutting edge scientists from across Europe including Russia able to collectively address ongoing public health challenges related to HIV, TB and HCV.

The short-term objective of the project within the 2-year framework is to generate novel research findings based on existing biological material and data already collected by the consortium partners as well as on new samples and data gathering.

CARE on the news:

1 December 2023

On the World AIDS Day, Eurosurveillance publishes a paper from the EuResist Network, originated within the CARE transnational project.

​The paper’s key messages for public health are strong and timely, as war and related people displacement can rapidly change the HIV epidemics:

  • It is important to perform HIV sequence analysis to observe the spread of new subtypes.

  • People originating from Ukraine should be encouraged to be tested for HIV.

  • The high percentage of individuals infected with subtype HIV-1A6 should be taken into account when considering therapy with long-acting injectable HIV medication.


The specific objectives of CARE are to:

  • Discover and validate novel soluble biomarkers reliably able to identify treatment success of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients and to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis.

  • Explore mechanisms explaining susceptibility to develop extrapulmonary tuberculosis related to variants of the host gene SIGLEC1 that are also involved in response to HIV infection.

  • Analyse the correlation between drug-related variants in the tuberculosis genome and corresponding in vitro drug susceptibility to develop a decision making support tool for the choice of second line therapy in case of suspected MDR-TB.

  • Define epidemiology and pathways of drug-resistant HIV, including their relationship with HIV subtypes and TB coinfection, across the European Region including Russia, in order to better inform health policies and clinicians for an evidence-based introduction of integrase strand transfers inhibitors (INSTI) as part of first line antiretroviral therapy.

  • Discover and validate variants in the host genome influencing susceptibility to contracting AIDS and serious non-AIDS clinical events and adverse reactions to antiretroviral medicines in HIV-mono-infected and TB and/or HCV-coinfected patients.

  • Compile experience for treating HCV infection by use of direct-acting antivirals from across Europe in order to inform best practice recommendations for how to use such medication in settings with current limited access and limited budgets.


The longer-term objective of the CARE project is to implement the necessary collaborative research infrastructure allowing the expansion of activities beyond the funding frame, sustaining the partners to share technology, protocols, structured data collections and knowledge to fuel and maintain cooperation and foster future research plans beyond the duration of CARE.



1. EuResist Network (coordinator) Italy

​2. REGIONH, Denmark

​3. Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

​4. University of Siena, Italy

​5. Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany

​6. Forschungszentrum Borstel, Germany

​7. Institutia Medico-sanitaria Publica - Institutul de ftiziopneumologie "CHIRIL DRAGANIUC" 

​8. Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, UK

​9. Viesoji Staiga Vilniaus Universiteto Ligonine Santaros Klinikos (VULSK), Lithuania

​10. Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ukraine

​11. Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center, Georgia

​12. Federal research centre for epidemiology and microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of health of Russia, Russian Federation

Start date: 1 January 2019
End date: 30 June 2021

Grant amount: 3 266 842,005€

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825673

EuResist Network GEIE
Via Guido Guinizelli, 98/100 - 00152 Rome - Italy
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CEO: Dr. Francesca Incardona


EuResist Network GEIE | © 2017-2022 All Right Reserved

The EuResist Network is open to new partners of proved or potential scientific value for expanding both database and scientific programme. Co-operation with developing countries with high rates of HIV infections is mostly welcome.

All the partners have one representative in the EuResist Network Scientific Board. The Board evaluates requests to access the EIDB for scientific studies. Partner's activities and data are protected by the data and authorship policy.

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