The CHAIN project (Collaborative HIV and Anti-HIV Drug Resistance Network) aims at effectively and durably combat new and existing anti-HIV drug resistance in clinical settings, with a special emphasis on Eastern Europe and in heavily affected resource-poor regions in Africa. This will be achieved through a pan-European network of surveillance and basic research activities, the involvement of all main actors in the field of HIV and anti-HIV drug resistance, monitoring how resistances develop and evolve, improved understanding of mechanisms of resistance development, performing molecular epidemiology studies, providing improved and new strategies to evaluate and limit the emergence and transmission of HIV drug resistance, setting up training and dissemination activities and supporting evidence-based public health policy and action.
EuResist Network is responsible for main deliverables in Work Package 4 " MOLECULAR EPIDEMIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS CLUSTER".

Duration: 01/02/09 – 31/03/14
EC grant: FP7 HEALTH
Grant agreement: 223131
Total grant: 9.988.092 Eur
Project information