EucoHIV is an independent self-constituted study group aiming at increasing scientific knowledge on HIV coreceptor usage and its clinical significance, including an appropriate use of coreceptor antagonists.
EucoHIV has been funded by an unrestricted educational grant by ViiV Healthcare in 2011.
EuResist Network coordinates and financially administrates the project and collects the data required for EucoHIV into a database developed as an extension of the EuResist Integrated Database (EIDB).
The PhyloGeoTool realised by the REGA group on the Euresist Integrated DB is available online.
It allows you to phylogeographycally explore the EIDB and to place on its phylogenetic tree your aminoacid sequence.
Clinical use, efficacy, and durability of maraviroc for antiretroviral therapy in routine care: A European survey
De Luca A, Pezzotti P, Boucher C, Döring M, Incardona F, Kaiser R, Lengauer T, Pfeifer N, Schülter E, Vandamme AM, Zazzi M, Geretti AM; EucoHIV Study Group.
PLoS One. 2019 Nov 21;14(11):e0225381. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225381. PMID: 31751385; PMCID: PMC6874206.
Efficacy and durability of maraviroc (MVC) in antiretroviral treatment (ART) regimens across Europe
Andrea De Luca, Patrizio Pezzotti, Charles Boucher, Matthias Döring, Francesca Incardona, Rolf Kaiser, Thomas Lengauer, Nico Pfeifer, Eugen Schuelter, Anne-Mieke Vandamme, Maurizio Zazzi and Anna Maria Geretti for the EucoHIV study group
EACS 2017
PhyloGeoTool: interactively exploring large phylogenies in an epidemiological context.
Pieter Libin, Ewout Vanden Eynden, Francesca Incardona, Ann Nowé, Antonia Bezenchek, EucoHIV study group, Anders Sönnerborg, Anne-Mieke Vandamme, Kristof Theys and Guy Baele.
Accepted in Bioinformatics 2017
Maraviroc Use and Outcomes Across Europe - the European Coreceptor (EUCO) HIV Cohort Study
A.M. Geretti, M. Doring, E. Schülter, C. Boucher, F. Incardona, R. Kaiser, T. Lengauer, N. Pfeifer, A.M. Vandamme, M. Zazzi, EUCO-HIV Study Group
EACS 2015
EucoHIV WorkPackages
Work Package 1
Project Coordination
Francesca Incardona
EuResist Network
Work Package 2
Database running and maintenance
Eugen Schulter
University of Cologne - Germany
Tamar Lavee
IBM Haifa - Israel
Work Package 3
Data collection
Anna Maria Geretti
University of Liverpool
United Kingdom
Work Package 4
Geno2pheno algorithm
Thomas Lengauer
Nico Pfeifer
Alexander Thielen
Max Planck Institute
for Informatics - Germany
Rolf Kaiser
University of Cologne - Germany
Work Package 5
Quality assurance for
gp120 sequencing
Rolf Kaiser
University of Cologne - Germany
Work Package 6
Research proposals
Maurizio Zazzi
University of Siena - Italy
Work Package 7
Training and Dissemination
Charles Boucher
Annemarie Wensing
Antoinet van Kessel
European Society for translational Antiviral Research
Work Package 8
Phylogenetic tools
Anne-Mieke Vandamme
Pieter Libin
Philippe Lemey
University of Leuven - Belgium