EuResist NEWS
The EuCARE session at ICAR 2024
20 June 2024
EuCARE presented its most recent scientific results in a dedicated session at the ICAR 2024 conference in Rome.
The session, chaired by Giulia Carla Marchetti and Francesca Ceccherini Silberstein, featured 7 presentations from EuCARE project partners, including Maurizio Zazzi, Sara Gandini, Francesca Incardona, Elham Shamshara, Alessandro Cozzi-Lepri, Roberta Rovito e Andrea Santoro.
The EuCARE session prompted a lively discussion with the audience in an interesting, useful Q&A session as in the spirit of ICAR.
The ICAR conference is the major Italian event in the field of HIV/AIDS research, now at its 16th edition.
New EuResist paper on Bioinformatics
22 May 2024
A key question in predicting HIV therapy outcomes is whether incorporating historical information can improve predictions compared to relying solely on current or most recent data.
The paper, titled “Incorporating temporal dynamics of mutations to enhance the prediction capability of antiretroviral therapy’s outcome for HIV-1”, investigates if including past knowledge – specifically viral mutations from all pre-therapy genotypic tests, their order of detection and corresponding viral load measurements – can enhance the accuracy of predicting treatment success.
The study, led by Giulia Di Teodoro, leveraged the EuResist Integrated DataBase (EIDB). For enhanced replicability, we encourage reproducing this study with the latest EIDB release. Access is available upon contacting the EuResist Network.
EuCARE Session at ICAR 2024
20 June 2024
We are delighted and honoured to have a symposium dedicated to the EuCARE project during ICAR 2024, the Italian Conference on Aids and Antiviral Research taking place in Rome from 19 to 21 June 2024.
SARS-COV-2 and its continuous evolution still pose scientific questions and challenges, including those related to its immune pathogenesis and to long-COVID. The pandemic also highlighted the need for research on areas like vaccine hesitancy and non-pharmacological interventions, e.g. in school. Thanks to a large international collaboration, the EuCARE project is trying to provide advances in a wide variety of SARS-COV-2 variants related topics.
A new phase of the KRG-HIS Project
May 2024
A very important milestone for the KRG-HIS Project achieved in Kurdistan with the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between University of Tor Vergata and the Ministry of Health of Kurdistan.
The new phase of the KRG-HIS Project started with the visit of Tor Vergata University and EuResist representatives to the Kurdish Health Directorates with a two years plan for the complete integration of the system in the Health administration of the Region.
AVITHRAPID project kickoff!
13-14 February 2024
On 13 and 14 February in Rome, at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, it was held the kickoff meeting of the AVITHRAPID project devoted to search and validation of broad spectrum "Antiviral Therapeutics for Rapid Response Against Pandemic Infectious Diseases".
EuResist is proudly partner of the project, in charge of the data management of the Project's clinical trials.
New EuCARE publication in the Lancet Regional Health- Europe
06 February 2024
The reduced mortality from COVID-19 is not necessarily due to lower severity of latest variants, such as Omicron and its sub-variants.
Rather, the reduced mortality seems to be due to other factors, such as immunity from previous vaccinations and previous infections.
This is among the outcomes of the study "Twenty-Eight-Day In-Hospital Mortality During the Wild-type, Alpha, Delta, and Omicron SARS-CoV-2 Waves: A Multinational Cohort Study in the EuCARE Project" published in the latest issue of The Lancet Regional Health Europe.
The study, which analyses data from 38,585 adult patients from the EuCARE Hospitalised cohort, comprising 10 centres across Europe, Kenya and Mexico, also highlighted that age is an important effect measure modifier regarding the association between variant and in-hospital mortality, highlighting the importance of performing age-stratified analyses, also by variant.
Brava Giulia!
01 February 2024
We are happy and proud to say that Giulia Di Teodoro, our PhD student, has defended yesterday her PhD thesis titled: "Toward Personalized Medicine and Transparent Decision-Making with Machine Learning Models for Complex Diseases: A Focus on HIV-1 and Type 2 Diabetes"! The huge and high level work she has done under the supervision of Thomas Lengauer and of the Sapienza University of Rome, has been awarded with an "Excellent" mark.
Brava Giulia!!
And many thanks and congratulations also to Thomas and his group who mentored her!
The EuCARE Project in Il Sole 24 Ore
20 December 2023
EuCARE and the issue of preparedness on Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy's leading business daily newspaper.
The activities and results achieved after two years of the extensive work done by the whole consortium presented with a special focus placed on the importance of lessons learned in terms of preparedness in the event of a forthcoming pandemic.
In this sense, EuCARE has already collected significant data to be able to guide public stakeholders in adopting truly effective measures that, at the same time, minimise the social and psychological impacts on citizens.
You can find the article in the edition of Il Sole 24 Ore on news stands on 20 December 2023.
On the World AIDS Day Eurosurveillance publishes a paper from the EuResist Network
1 December 2023
On the World AIDS Day, Eurosurveillance publishes a paper from the EuResist Network, originated within the CARE transnational project.
The paper’s key messages for public health are strong and timely, as war and related people displacement can rapidly change the HIV epidemics:
It is important to perform HIV sequence analysis to observe the spread of new subtypes.
People originating from Ukraine should be encouraged to be tested for HIV.
The high percentage of individuals infected with subtype HIV-1A6 should be taken into account when considering therapy with long-acting injectable HIV medication.
Joint Dialogue on Preparedness
24 October 2023
Are we better prepared for pandemics now? Can the problems we encountered in our experiences with COVID-19 be used to prepare better responses in the future?
Leading experts from EuCARE, RECODID, VAXTRUST, AVITHRAPID projects and from high level insititutions such as WHO, National pandemic coordination centres and top ranking universities and research centres led an interdisciplinary, interactive dialogue and discussed these themes in the Joint Dialogue on Preparedness, organised by EuCARE!
EuCARE Annual Meeting in Lisbon
23-24 October 2023
The EuCARE annual meeting was successfully held on 23th and 24th October 2023, hosted by the Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, in the presence of our distinguished Scientific and Ethics external Boards.
The very committed and proactive EuCARE partners, arrived in Portugal from all over Europe and even from Brazil, spent the two days of the meeting exchanging ideas on new studies and strategies with a special focus on how to be prepared to face a possible next pandemic.
Thank you all, it is always a great opportunity to meet in person and thus make the meeting even more productive!
Data privacy workshop at Fondation Brocher
19-20 June 2023
The EuCARE workshop: Data privacy, data property, and data sharing: an interdisciplinary dialogue for post-pandemic transnational research was successfully held on 19th and 20th June 2023 at the domain of the Brocher Foundation near Geneva, Switzerland
During two days of highly engaging debate, biomedical scientists advocated for a more research friendly data regulatory environment, whilst lawyers, ethics and IT scientists highlighted the pros and cons of possible solutions, from the very latest AI research, to visionary regulatory oriented solutions looking forward to the next laws that could enhance or further weigh down GDPR.
EuCARE POST COVID-19 Study at ICAR 2023
14-16June 2023
The first results of the EuCARE POST COVID-19 Study presented at the Italian Conference on Aids and Antiviral Research (ICAR)
The EuCARE studies on POST COVID-19 are also approaching the dissemination stage and a presentation (of the preliminary results) will be given at ICAR 2023 (Bari 14-16 June) titled: Long COVID phenotypes and association with SARS CoV-2 variants in the EUCARE-POSTCOVID study”.
A preview of the findings was given to the last "Research to policy meeting on POST-COVID condition" organised by the EU on May 31.
EuCARE Schools study. First results presented at the European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis 2023
7-9 June 2023
Schools closure and social distancing caused anger and sadness in students of all ages, but also teachers suffered and still don't feel safe. The trends of SARS-CoV-2 in autumn 2022 appeared to be driven mainly by geographical location, seasonal changes and overall population behaviour and not by school openings.
The Lolli methode under evaluation within the EuCARE Project looks like a promising support.
The first results of the EuCARE SCHOOLS cohort study were presented as a poster at the European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis 2023 (Rome, 7-9 June 2023).
WeCARE for Schools: listen to the voice of schools!
12 May 2023
The schools participating in the EuCARE SCHOOLS study came together in the WeCARE for Schools trilateral event (Italy-Mexico-Portugal) on the 12th of May. Students, teachers and principals described their experience with the project and exchanged views.
Further to the enthusiasm to participate in scientific research, many students still worried about being a danger to others expressed relief and confidence in Lolli Methode as a children-friendly procedure for monitoring their infectious status.
Elisa, an Italian 18 years old student followed the event online and wrote a moving article on it, published on the OBESSU website. "Our experience was one of the worst of all Europe. Our school system was not prepared at all to face the issues brought by the pandemic", she writes, and: "Institutions still do not give the right importance to education and instead of focusing on how to prepare schools for epidemic emergencies, they prefer setting them aside."
EuCARE hosted at the 23rd Arevir meeting
28 April 2023, Cologne
The 23rd Arevir Meeting hosted a special session dedicated to the EuCARE Project. for the second consecutive year.
This session, chaired by Francesca Incardona and Thomas Lengauer, saw the participation of the EuCARE scientists leading the main research activities.
The preliminary results coming from the ongoing studies were presented as well as the next steps to answer the new challenges from pandemics.
EuCARE Scientific Board Meeting in Lisbon
15-16 September 2022, Lisbon
After almost one year of online meetings, the EuCARE project Consortium meets again in Lisbon on 15 and 16 September.
Hosted by the Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, in the presence of our distinguished Scientific and Ethics external Boards and EC Project officer Patricia Urban-Lopez, representatives of all the EuCARE beneficiaries will participate in the two-day meeting with the aim of sharing what has been done so far and planning the next activities in light of the progress of the pandemic.
We are all very happy to have an opportunity to exchange our ideas in the presence once again: certainly the best way to achieve the results we expect.
EuCARE workshop at the 22nd Arevir- EuResist Meeting
06-07 May 2022, Cologne
The workshop on COVID-19 organised within the 22nd Arevir-EuResist Meeting will be focused on EUCARE as a European-project for the investigation of SARS-CoV-2 and epidemics.
Chaired by Francesca Incardona (EuResist) who coordinates the project, Maurizio Zazzi (Università di Siena) and Anders Sönnerborg (Karolinska Institutet), this session will see the participation of Mr. Jan Paehler, EC RTD, Policy Officer. The EuCARE Management Board Members will present the results already achieved in the first six months of the project and the next steps.
The 22nd Arevir- EuResist Meeting (Cologne, 06-07 May 2022) will also cover a broad range of current topics on viral resistance research pertaining to multiple pathogens such as HIV, HCV, HBV and M. Tuberculi.
Published on HIV Medicine the INTEGRATE experienced study
24 February 2022
The article "Effectiveness of integrase strand transfer inhibitors in HIV-infected treatment-experienced individuals across Europe" is now published online. Results from a cohort of over 13.000 INSTI experienced individuals in Europe.
Thanks to all the INTEGRATE working group!
Best Poster Award
27-30 October 2021, London
The Poster "Declining incidence of HIV multidrug resistance in Europe" has won the Best Poster Award at the 18th European AIDS Conference held Online & London, United Kingdom on October 27–30, 2021.
EuCARE Kick-off meeting
11-12 November 2021, Rome
We have been pleased to host in Rome the kick-off meeting of the project EuCARE European Cohorts of Patients and Schools to Advance Response to Epidemics funded by the EC under HORIZON-HLTH-2021-CORONA-01
Coordinated by Euresist Network, 22 primary universities, hospitals and ICT research centres are already working to provide robust, data driven evidence to deal with SARS-CoV-2 variants and COVID-19 epidemics. With the support of strong immuno-virological and artificial intelligence components, the study will take advantage of large hospital patients, vaccinated healthcare workers and schools’ cohorts in Europe, Kenya, Mexico, Russia and Vietnam to find an answer to urgent issues related to science and society.
CARE HIV-TB-HCV: EU-Russia cooperation results
15 June 2021, 9:00 – 16:00, Online conference
The online meeting organised by the CARE Consortium had the objective to present and discuss outcomes and findings from CARE Common Action and other projects and initiatives in the frame of recent collaborative research in the WHO European Region.
It has seen the participation of CARE, ARREST-TB, CARE External Scientific Advisory Board, CARE External Ethics Review Board, Russian experts, NDPHS, Russian Ministry of Health, Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, EC, EU Delegation to the Russian Federation.
Webinar "COVID-19 and variants: is it possible to re-open the schools?"
1 April 2021 https://vimeo.com/event/832587
The marginal role of schools as a center for spreading the infection, when the necessary containment measures are adopted, is now demonstrated by most of the scientific literature. However, doubts remain in society and in the political world, especially as regards high schools and relatively to the spread of viral variants.
On the contrary, the costs of closure are not yet fully known and are still likely to be underestimated.
The webinar sponsored by EuResist Network will support the scientific discussion on these themes while involving both the civil society and the political institutions.
With the participation of scientists as Antonella D'arminio Monforte, Sara Gandini, Daniele Novara, of associations as Save the Children, AcrionAid, ForumDD, of members of the Italian Parliament and of the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family Elena Bonetti.
Held with success the conference on “Joint efforts against infectious diseases: HIV, TB, HCV”
27 January 2020, Moscow
Held with success the high level conference in Moscow at the presence of the EU ambassador in Russia Mr Ederer, of the First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Mr Trubnikov, and of the high representative of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Mr Kostennikov,
The CARE and the ARREST-TB projects presented their interim results and fuelled a lively scientific discussion in a cooperative atmosphere.
EuResist Network is accepted as member of the UN Global Compact!
January 2020
EuResist Network joins the UN Global Compact, the world's largest corporate initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals. See the Italian participants.
PhD fellowship on HIV molecular epidemiology
November 2019
A PhD fellowship on HIV molecular epidemiology has been funded by the EuResist Network at the PhD programme in Data Science of Sapienza University of Rome. The PhD in Data Science of Sapienza is a multidisciplinary doctoral program coordinated by the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering "Antonio Ruberti".
The student supported by the fellowship, who has already been selected, will focus on epidemiology of subtype A in the EuResist Integrated DataBase.
The CARE project publishes its first results
November 2019
In only ten months of activity the CARE partners created a solid ethics permissions, data and samples sharing infrastructure for a wide network of collaboration against HIV, TB and HCV. Already three papers have been published on HIV-1 resistance and epidemiology and the poster "HIV-1 A6 Subtype: its challenging identification and Southern Russian molecular epidemiology" (S. Sierra et al.) will be presented at EACS 2019!
The CARE project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825673.
Data from over 103, 000 HIV patients in EIDB
November 2019
The EIDB, expanded to collect clinical and resistance information, contains now data from over 103, 000 HIV patients, The DB is always available for HIV research studies, subject to approval by the Scientific Board. If you are interested to submit a study please contact us.
Two posters from the EuResist Mentor School to be presented at EACS 2019
November 2019
The two studies: “A retrospective analysis of the EuResist data set assessing dual therapy success in a real-life context” and “A retrospective analysis of the EuResist data set assessing if NRTI resistance impairs INSTI based treatment with NRTI backbone” have been realized by the participants of the EMS 2018 under guidance of the trainer M. Bohm and of EuResist Network mentors.
The project has been supported by Janssen Parmaceutical and Gilead Sciences.
September 2019
The INTEGRATE project results will be presented at. EACS 2019, to be held in Basel on November 6-9 2019, with an oral talk entitled "Prevalence of InSTI resistance and effectiveness of InSTI based regimens in HIV infected patients: results from a European cohort" (B. Brossetti et al.). The presentation will take place on Thursday, November 7th 2019 during the session "Basic and translational HIV biology" (14:00-16:00).
The project has been supported by an unrestricted grant from Gilead Sciences.
EuResist at the PROHIV 2019 international conference on HIV and AIDS, Moscow 23-24 September 2019
September 2019
EuResist will be present with a talk entitled "The EuResist Integrated DataBase: how to exploit real life data for the study of HIV drug resistance" at the PROHIV 2019 international conference on HIV and AIDS to be held in Moscow on September 23-24 2019.
Two abstracts from the EMS at the 17th European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis May 2019
February 2019
Two studies realised by the students of the EuResist Mentor School under the guidance of the tutors will be presented as posters at the European HIV & Hep Meeting in Rome 22-24 May 2019.
EuResist at the AREVIR meeting 3-4 May 2019
February 2019
EuResist recent results will be presented in the EuResist session within the annual AREVIR meeting in Cologne 3-4 May 2019.
The CARE project breakes the news
Read it on Il Sole 24 ore sanità!
CARE project kick-off meeting 23-24 January
The CARE project kick-off meeting will be in Rome on 23-24 January
Abstract on INTEGRATE dataset accepted at CROI 2019
November 2018
The study on "GSS of NRTI-backbone predicts time to virological failure of InSTIs-based regimens" realised on INTEGRATE data has been accepted for poster presentation at CROI 2019
in Seattle 4-7 March 2019.
CARE project accepted for funding by the EC under the topic H2020-SC1-BHC-21-2018 of the H2020 programme
September 2018
CARE is a COMMON ACTION AGAINST HIV/TB/HCV ACROSS THE REGIONS OF EUROPE, coordinated by EuResist Network with scientific coordination of CHIP/RegionH
EuResist Mentor School successfully held in Cologne on 3 May 2018
May 2018
The on-site part of the novel training initiative by EuResist Network has been held in Cologne involving 30 students, on 3 May 2018.
EuResist at the AREVIR meeting 4-5 May 2018
January 2018
EuResist recent results will be presented in the EuResist session within the annual AREVIR meeting in Cologne 4, 5 May 2018.
EuResist at AISTATS 2018 in Lanzarote , April 9-11 2018
December 2017
The study "Factorial HMM with Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for optimizing long-term HIV Therapy", realised on the EIDB has been accepted for presentation at the conference.
Launch of the EuResist Mentor School
December 2017
The EuResist Mentor School (EMS) is a training programme addressed to young virologists and clinicians to learn the basics of database querying (query scientific analysis, SQL language and statistics). Consult the programme and find the instructions on how to apply to participate here.
The EuResist-Africa network at the HIV resistance workshop 2017 in South Africa
November 2017
The study on II line resistance carried out by EuResist and its African partners has been presented as a poster at the XXVI international workshop on HIV drug resistance and treatment strategies, held on 6-8 November in Johannesburg.
EuResist at the EACS 2017 with 5 posters
25-27 October 2017
EuResist will be present at EACS in Milan with a poster on the INTEGRATE project, a poster on the EucoHIV results and 3 posters from the AMS 2016 initiative.
EucoHIV: the PhyloGeoTool on Bioinformatics
18 August 2017
Bioinformatics has accepted the manuscript: "PhyloGeoTool: interactively exploring large phylogenies in an epidemiological context, P. Liebin et al. The PhyloGeoTool has been realised in the frame of the EucoHIV project.
The EuResist-Africa network at the HIV resistance workshop 2017 in South Africa
July 2017
The study on II line resistance carried out by EuResist and its African partners has been accepted at the XXVI international workshop on HIV drug resistance and treatment strategies that will be held on 6-8 November in Johannesburg.
Kick-off of the CIRCB HIV DB project
Yaounde, Cameroon - 6-8 July 2017
The collaboration with CIRCB, University of Tor Vergata and I-PRO has started in the frame of the National workshop on "HIV test and treat strategy in Cameroon". The project is finalised to the realisation of a DHIS2 HIV resistance DB for Cameroon.
ICAR 2017 hosts 3 presentations from Arca Mentor School 2016
12-14 June 2017
Three abstracts from the AMS experience have been accepted at ICAR for oral presentations. This brings to 6 the number of abstracts accepted at national/international conferences coming from the work performed at AMS2016.
New update of the EuResist Integrated DataBase!
June 2017
The EIDB has been updated. It now contains data of more than 81.000 patients. The EIDB is open for scientific studies under approval by the Scientific Board.
Arca Mentor School at the European Meeting on HIV and Hepatitis 2017
7 - 9 June 2017
Two abstracts from the AMS2016 experience have been accepted at the 15th European Meeting on HIV and Hepatitis.
The EuResist AREVIR meeting 2017 in Cologne
5 - 6 May 2017
Launch of the INTEGRATE project
April 2017
Thanks to the funding by Gilead Sciences Europe, the INTEGRATE project can take off. The project, devoted to the collection and analysis of clinical and virological data related to the use of INSTIs, will start with collection of data from the EuResist partners and will then widen the data collection.
Our KRG-DHIS Pilot project selected as User Story of the month
Oslo, Norway - Feb 2017 - DHIS2 community, coordinated by the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo selected as the User Story of the month the KRG-DHIS Pilot project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, led by the University of Rome Tor Vergata in cooperation with the Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan Regional Government, and realized by I-PRO and EuResist Network.
Data from our EDCTP project published in BMC Inf Dis
6 Jan 2017
BMC infectious diseases has published our paper on HIV-1C epidemic in Ethiopia, using data collected starting from our EDCTP project
RCLM: Russian Congress Laboratory Medicine
Moscow, 11-13 October 2016
EuResist participates in the II RCLM where EuResist partner Prof. Bobkova is organizer of the Virology section.
New EuResist Engine presented at ACM BCB
Seattle, 2-7 October 2016
A novel engine predicting time to HIV rebound as been presented at ACM conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, oral presentation.
Siena, 6-7 October 2016
EuResist participates in the organization of the second AMS event in Siena: hands-on training on querying clinical-genetic DBs.
HIV and Hepatitis Nordic Conference
Stockholm, 28-30 September 2016
EuResist participates in the 3rd regional annual event, co-organised by EuResist partner Prof. Sonnerborg.
EuResist-Arevir Annual Meeting
Cologne, 29-30 April 2016
For registration and accommodation: Claudia.Mueller@med.uni-duesseldorf.de
Erbil, 24-29 February 2016
During the second mission of the KRG SHMS Project, the pilot monitoring system has been installed in 10 test centres in Erbil, Dohuk and Suleymania.
November 2015
The EuResist Engine has been retrained to predict response after 48 weeks from treatmennt start, on a database of more than 66.000 patients. Performance is 0.73 - 0.76 AUC